

  1. 何德華,112年優秀人才獎勵彈性薪資,2023。
    2023 Flexible Salary Award
  2. 何德華,Women in Lexicography
  3. 何德華,112年教育部推展本土語言傑出貢獻獎,2022。
    Indigenous Language Promotion Individual Achievement Award. 

    推展本土語言傑出貢獻者 教育部頒獎表揚|每日熱點新聞|原住民族電視台
  4. 何德華,110年度教學實踐研究之績優計畫,2022。
    2022 MOE Excellent Teaching Practice Research Project Award
  5. 何德華,教育部高教深耕計畫CCU創新教學補助 「跟印尼機器人聊天」,2021。
  6. 何德華,108學年度傑出通識教育教師獎,2020。
  7. 何德華,彈性薪資獎勵方案,2020。
  8. 何德華,107學年度傑出通識教育教師獎,2019。
  9. 何德華,106年度教學卓越計畫彈性薪資獎勵方案「教學優良類」,2017。
  10. 何德華,106學年度教師專業社群補助:「人文社會學科TEAL教學-教師教學專業發展」,2017。
  11. 何德華,106學年度雲嘉南區域型計畫-開放式課程補助,「初級印尼語」,2017。
  12. 何德華,106學年度教育部磨課師課程推動計畫補助,「印尼語組合屋式教學」,2017。
  13. 何德華,105學年度傑出通識教育教師獎,2017。
  14. 何德華,104學年度國立中正大學教師優良教學獎,2016。
  15. 何德華,103學年度教學卓越計畫「教學優良」彈性薪資獎勵,2015。
  16. 何德華,103學年度第一學期教卓分項計畫6-2-5「多元文化及全球社會跨領域課程」補助,開設通識「語言與文化」全英語授課,2014。
  17. 何德華,102學年度第一學期教卓分項計畫6-2「全球知識村」補助,開設通識「語言與文化」全英語授課,補助兼任助理協助製作教材,2013。
  18. 何德華,國立中正大學 Innovative teaching grant (創新教學)for Variation and change in business English as a lingua franca  (全球英語在企業語言文化中的變異與變遷)補助,2013.09.15-2013.12.15
  19. 何德華,教育部101學年度第1學期「現代公民核心能力課程計畫」補助「語言與文化:法庭中的對話」(Language and culture: Courtroom conversations), 2012.08.01-2013.01.31。
  20. 何德華,國立中正大學 Innovative teaching grant (創新教學)for Empowerment in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language(華語文教學培力行動)補助,2012.09.15-2012.12.15
  21. Visiting Professor, Training in-service and pre-service English teachers on (1) how to teach listening and speaking in TESOL and (2) research methods in applied linguistics for the College of Foreign Languages and cultures, Beifang University of Nationalities (BUN), Yinchuan, Ningxia, China, 7/1-14/2012.
  22. Aldeen Faculty Development Grant, Wheaton College, 2010. US$1,200.
  23. Wheaton College Faculty Development Grant for presenting at AAAL 2010, US$850.
  24. Teaching Improvement and Innovation Grant (TIIG) for Unheard voices in TESOL, Wheaton College, 2009-2010. US$700.
  25. Visiting Professor, Providence University, Taiwan, 3/30-5/22/2009 (Department of English Language, Literature, and Linguistics) and 5/1-6/30/2010 (Department of Computer Science & Communication Engineering).
  26. Outstanding Taiwanese Indigenous Language Learning Website, Silver Medal, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, November 2009. http://yamiproject.cs.pu.edu.tw/elearn
  27. Aldeen Faculty Development Grant, Wheaton College, 2009. US$3,000.
  28. Teaching Improvement and Innovation Grant (TIIG) for Form-focused instruction for ESL/EFL learners, Wheaton College, 2008-2009. US$700.
  29. Workshop instructor, Institute on Field Linguistics and Language Documentation (http://www.linguistics.ucsb.edu/faculty/infield/), University of California, Santa Barbara, June 23~July 3, 2008.
  30. Visiting Scholar, English Language Institute, University of Michigan, 2007-2008.
  31. Wheaton College Faculty Development Grant for presenting at AILA 2008, US$1,300.
  32. Service Medal in Higher Education, Executive Yuan, R.O.C., February 14, 2008
  33. Sabbatical leave from Providence University, 2007-2008
  34. Best Teacher Award, Providence University, 2004
  35. Visiting Scholar Fellowship, National Science Council of R.O.C., 2003-2004, Research Title “The Acquisition of Phonology by Chinese Learners of English”, CARLA, University of Minnesota.
  36. Distinguished Research Award, National Science Council of R.O.C., 2001, Research Title “Phonological Variation and Sound Change in Atayal”
  37. Distinguished Research Award, National Science Council of R.O.C., 2000, Research Title “Lexical Similarity, Sound Change and Intelligibility of Atayalic Dialects”
  38. Award for Studies of Aboriginal Languages on Taiwan, Ministry of Education of R.O.C., Research Title “Yami Textbook”, 1999
  39. Best Teacher Award, Providence University, 1996
  40. Distinguished Research Award, National Science Council of R.O.C., 1995, Research Title “Language Contact in the Philippines
  41. Award for Studies of Aboriginal Languages on Taiwan, Ministry of Education of R.O.C., Research Title “A Grammar of Atayal”, 1994
  42. Mackay Award by Canadian Faculty Enrichment Program for curriculum development, Course Title “Linguistic Variation and Bilingualism in Canada”, 1993
  43. Hu Shih Fellowship, East Asia Program, Cornell University for carrying out field research for doctoral dissertation in Taiwan, 1990








































FLAS fellowship for studying Indonesian FALCON, Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, 1985-1986






































