


  1. 112-2年度深耕子計畫1-6教師開授敏捷就業力養成課程第一級補助,「南島語典藏復振與數位學習」,3/20/2024~7/31/2024
  2. 數位人文化的師資培訓與達悟族語教師之蛻變Impact of Teachers’ Training in Digital Humanities on Yami Language Teachers’ Transformation。(科技部計畫MOST111-2410-H-194-022-MY2) 8/1/2022~7/31/2024. 
  3. 國立中正大學112-116年深耕計畫「落實教學創新提升教學品質」面向推動EMI課程計畫: 「提升學生跨領域參與國際競賽英語溝通表達能力」Intercultural communication in international competition.
  4. 人之島語言文化探索Exploration of Yami Language and Culture on Orchid Island (110年教育部數位人文社會科學教學創新計畫Talent Cultivation Project for Digital Humanities, MOE-110-1-A07). 8/1/2021-1/31/2022. 
  5. 虛擬實境故事製作融入東南亞外語教學之成效The Effectiveness of Integrating VR story creation in Teaching and Learning Southeast Asian languages (110教育部大專校院教學實踐研究計畫, PGE1100891) 8/1/2021-7/31/2022. 
  6. 南島語典藏復振與數位學習Austronesian language documentation, conservation, and e-Learning. (109年教育部數位人文社會科學教學創新計畫Talent Cultivation Project for Digital Humanities, MOE-109-1-A18) 2/1/2021-7/31/2021. 
  7. 對話者之語言能力與評分嚴苛度對印尼語口語評量成績之影響The influence of interlocutor proficiency and rater severity in Indonesian oral assessment. (109年教育部大專校院教學實踐研究計畫, PGE1090430) 8/1/2020-7/31/2021. 
  8. Indonesian travel frog CALLed. (印尼旅蛙來電了) (107年教育部數位人文社會科學教學創新計畫Talent Cultivation Project for Digital Humanities, MOE-107-1-A24) 2/1/2019-7/31/2019.
  9. Large class assessment of Indonesian Language Proficiency in Technology Enabled Active Learning (印尼語TEAL創意互動教學測驗與評量) (107教育部大專校院教學實踐研究計畫, PGE107149) 8/1/2018-7/31/2019. 
  10.  “A corpus-based analysis of the variation between active and passive voices in Indonesian”(107大專生計畫MOST107-2813-C-194-001-H) 7/1/2018~2/28/2019. 
  11. 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:法律語言學 Forensic linguistics (106-2420-H-194 -011 -2E) 06/01/2017 ~ 05/31/2018
  12. 臺灣原住民語言詞類及構詞研究與教學相關議題之探討﹕達悟語詞類及構詞研究與教學相關議題之探討Yami word classes and second language teaching  (MOST-106-2420-H-194-005-MY2) 01/01/2017~12/31/2018
  13. “Phonological variation and orthographic resolution of hiatus in Yami” (達悟語連續元音變異現象與書寫符號釋疑)(MOST103-2410-H-194-073-MY2), 8/1/2014-7/31/2016.
  14. “A Typological Study of Austronesian Languages in Taiwan and their Revitalization”, (臺灣原住民語言類型研究及語言復振相關議題之探討﹕雅美達悟語的語言結構及語言復振) (NSC100-2420-H-194-011-MY3), 11/1/2011-10/31/2014.
  15. “Yami ontology: Yami lexical semantics and sociogrammar”(達悟語知識本體﹕達悟語詞彙語意與社會語法)(NSC 100-2410-H-194-104-), 8/1/2011-7/31/2012.
  16. “Constructing Yami Ontology” (NSC96-2411-H-126-009-MY2), 8/1/2007-7/31/2009.
  17. “Yami Dictionary”, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Taiwan, 8/1/2007-7/31/2009.
  18. “Digital archiving Yami language documentation”, The Endangered Language Documentation Project (ELDP, MDP0114), http://www.hrelp.org/grants/projects/index.php?year=2005, The Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project, SOAS, University of London, 8/1/2005-7/31/2007
  19. “Rethinking pedagogical models for Yami E-learning” (NSC95-2411-H-126-007), 8/1/2006-7/31/2007.
  20. “Sociolinguistic variation in Yami” (NSC94-2411-H-126-005), 8/1/2005 - 7/31/2006
  21. “Some issues in Yami phonology: Stress, glide and reduplication” (NSC93-2411-H-126-013), 8/1/2004 - 7/31/2005
  22. “Styles, language proficiency and language attitudes in the acquisition of English by Chinese learners” (NSC92-2411-H-126-002), 8/1/2003 - 7/31/2004
  23. “Phonological variation of Chinese learners of English” (NSC41169F), 8/1/2003 - 7/31/2004
  24. “Morphosyntax in Yami” (NSC91-2411-H-126-013-MD), 8/1/2002 - 7/31/2003
  25. “Grammaticalization of Yami tense/aspect/modality” (NSC90-2411-H-126-015), 8/1/2001 - 7/31/2002)
  26. “Survey of the discipline of linguistics in Taiwan” (NSC89-2411-H-126-026), 12/1/2000 - 7/31/2001
  27. “From nominalization to the focus system in Yami” (NSC89-2411-H-126-015), 8/1/2000 - 7/31/2001
  28. “Phonological variation and sound change in Atayal” (NSC88-2411-H-126-003), 8/1/1998 - 7/31/1999
  29. “Lexical similarity, sound change and intelligibility in Atayalic dialects” (NSC87-2411-H-126-010), 8/1/1997 - 7/31/1998
  30. “Sociolinguistic Survey of Yami on Orchid Island” (NSC84-2411-H-126-001), 8/1/1994 - 7/31/1995
  31. “Transitivity and discourse grounding in Atayal” (NSC82-0301-H-126-004T), 5/1/1993 - 4/30/1994

